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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions about the HVAC industry. From common residential and commercial questions. Our experts carefully crafted these answers to help you understand just a portion of the air conditioning industry. Our goal at Swift Air is to help everyone understand what services we are providing at Swift Air. Some of these services include: Residential Air Duct Cleaning, Air Conditioning Repair, Heater Repair, Refrigeration, Generac Generator Generators, Industrial Chillers, and soo much more. Our pride at Swift Air is to be very knowledgeable about our industry. This is why we choose the best air conditioning technicians to help service our residential and commercial customers. With over 30 years of experience in the HVAC industry, we know what it takes to get your air conditioning systems up and running again. If you have more questions that are not listed below, feel free to contact us at 361-882-2111 for more information and us ask us questions about the HVAC industry.

How Often Do Air Filters Need To Be Changed?

It varies depending on the type of filter you have. If you have cheaper, disposable filters, we recommend changing them every 30 days. If you have pleated, or poly, filters, we recommend changing them every 90 days. Media filters or Clean Effects filters can last a little longer and should be replaced about once a year.

Do bigger air conditioning units perform better?

Not necessarily. It is important to purchase an air conditioner that is the right size for your home. If you buy an AC unit that’s too big, it will cool your home faster, but it will also be less efficient and will not eliminate humidity well enough. It will have short-run cycles. While it will cool the air quickly, it will shut off before it blows enough air across the indoor coil to drain water from your system. This will leave too much moisture in the air, which can lead to mold and mildew in your home.

Your system starting and stopping more often , may cause it to use more energy and wear down faster. Longer run cycles are more efficient.

How long does HVAC equipment last?

HVAC systems generally last 10 to 15 years. However, your system becomes less efficient and performs worse as it gets older. Therefore, after about 10 years, you may want to start looking for a replacement. Even if you are not having any major problems, modern HVAC systems will save you money on your energy bills because they are more efficient. Plus, they generally come with 10-year warranties, so you won’t need to worry about replacing them for quite a while.

If I have an older system, can I save money by just replacing the outdoor unit?

Probably not. Older systems use Freon R-22, which has been phased out and replaced with Freon R-410A, also known as Puron. Puron is more environmentally friendly and more efficient. In addition, the minimum SEER rating or efficiency that we can use today is 13 SEER (older systems are 10 SEER and below). The refrigerant and efficiency rating of your indoor coil and outdoor unit must be the same, so you have to replace the whole system at once. 

Why do I need a system with matched components?

Matched systems ensure maximum performance, maximum efficiency, and maximum comfort. 

A matched system will maintain proper cycle times and manage humidity properly for your home. In addition, a matched system will prevent you from paying too much for your energy bills. Your system will run at peak efficiency, with no energy wasted due to improper size. 

What are the advantages of high-efficiency air filters?

Proper air filtration is crucial to the health of both your HVAC system and your family. Air filters prevent dust and dirt from building up in your system to keep it performing at its best. High-efficiency filters do a better job of this and remove dust, dirt, mold, and more from the air. This is especially useful if you have allergies or respiratory issues. High-efficiency filters are better, but not 100% necessary. Whether or not you choose to use them, remember to change your filters regularly.

How often should I have my air conditioning unit serviced?

We recommend having your air conditioner serviced once a year. This will save you on energy and repair costs, keep your system running smoothly and efficiently, and make it last longer. The longer you put off AC maintenance, the worse your unit will perform, and the more likely it is that it will break down. Trying to save money by delaying maintenance may backfire by forcing you to pay more on energy bills, and potentially, on repairs if a serious issue arises with your system. 

What is duct cleaning?

Duct cleaning includes cleaning the various components of HVAC forced air systems, including the air ducts and registers, grilles and diffusers, heat exchangers, coils, fan motor, fan housing, and the air handling unit housing. Dust, pollen, and other debris may build up in these components if they are not properly maintained. 

What are some ways I could keep my home cool more efficiently?

There are plenty of ways to improve the cooling efficiency in your home. First, you could replace your existing air conditioner with a newer, more efficient one. This will significantly lower your energy bills and cool your home much more effectively. Schedule a consultation so we can help you find a unit that fits your home.

If you aren’t ready to upgrade your air conditioner, you can improve efficiency by setting your thermostat to a higher temperature. During the summer, set your thermostat to 75 degrees or higher. Every degree counts: just 1 degree below 75 degrees will cause your energy bill to go up 3 to 5%.

Another small way to increase your home’s cooling efficiency is to avoid blocking vents. Move any furniture or curtains to evenly distribute air throughout your home. However, if there are rooms in your home that you rarely use, consider closing the vents to avoid wasting energy.

Additionally, you can install ceiling fans. The U.S. Department of Energy says that a single ceiling fan “will allow you to raise the thermostat setting about 4 degrees with no reduction in comfort.” As we already mentioned, every degree will save you money on your energy bill.

Finally, make sure to get annual maintenance from a licensed technician to ensure that your system is running as efficiently as possible, and to fix any potential issues.

How can I heat my home more efficiently?

Once again, the most effective, but most expensive solution is to replace your furnace with a newer, more efficient furnace. Modern high-efficiency furnaces could save you 25% on your energy bills, which means the expense of purchasing a new furnace should pay for itself fairly quickly. 

Just as you can set your thermostat to a higher temperature for greater efficiency in the summer, lowering the temperature on your thermostat for at least a portion of the day can save you money on your energy bill in the winter.

Just like in the summer, avoid blocking your vents to ensure that heat is evenly distributed throughout the house. Save energy by closing vents in rooms that you rarely use.

While it may seem counter-intuitive, ceiling fans can help heat your home in the winter, if the blades spin clockwise. Therefore, install ceiling fans for improved energy efficiency in both the summer and winter.

Finally, annual furnace maintenance will ensure that your furnace is running smoothly and efficiently and catch any potential issues.

What should I set my thermostat to?

In terms of energy efficiency, the general rule is, that in summer: the higher, the better, and in winter: the lower, the better. However, the point of air conditioners and furnaces is to keep your home comfortable. Therefore, you need to find the right balance for you between comfort and energy efficiency. For energy efficiency and lower bills, we recommend keeping your thermostat around 78 degrees in the summer and 68 degrees in the winter.

In addition to your personal preferences, your home’s efficiency in terms of insulation, ducts, air filters, whether you have ceiling fans, whether your vents are blocked, and other factors can affect the optimal temperature for your home.

Is R-22 refrigerant being discontinued?

Yes. R-22 is no longer allowed in new equipment due to environmental regulations. Since many existing residential air conditioning units still use it, R-22 is still produced. However, it is gradually being phased out. By January 1, 2020, the production of R-22 will be reduced by 99.5%. It will become expensive and difficult to find. Therefore, if your system uses R-22 refrigerant, you may want to consider switching to a newer system. 

What can I do if my system doesn’t work well in certain rooms?

A little variation in temperature between rooms is normal, especially if you only have one thermostat. However, it can also be a sign of poorly designed ducts or air filtration issues. Schedule a free consultation so we can identify the problem and offer solutions to fix it.

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Air Conditioning Repair Frequently Asked Questions in Corpus Christi, Texas

Corpus Christi, Texas, is known for its beautiful coastal setting and warm climate. As the temperatures rise, so does the need for efficient and reliable air conditioning. Whether you’re a long-time resident or new to the area, air conditioning repair is a common concern. To help you navigate the world of AC maintenance and repair, this article addresses some frequently asked questions about air conditioning repair in Corpus Christi, Texas.

Regular maintenance is crucial to keep your AC system running smoothly and efficiently. Corpus Christi’s climate, with its humidity and coastal location, can put extra stress on your air conditioner. Routine maintenance helps prevent potential problems, maintains energy efficiency, and prolongs the lifespan of your unit.

In Corpus Christi, it’s advisable to have your air conditioner serviced at least once a year. Many homeowners opt for spring before the hot summer months begin. However, you can also schedule maintenance in the fall or early winter to ensure that your unit is in good condition for the following summer.

Common signs that your AC system may require repair include:

  • Insufficient cooling: If your home doesn’t reach the desired temperature or takes longer to cool down, it may be time for repairs.
  • Odd noises: Unusual sounds, like rattling or squealing, can be indicative of a problem within your system.
  • High energy bills: A sudden increase in energy bills may signal that your AC is working harder than it should due to issues.
  • Poor airflow: If the airflow from your vents is weak or inconsistent, it may indicate a problem with your unit.

To find a reputable repair service, consider the following:

  • Ask for recommendations from friends, family, or neighbors.
  • Read online reviews and check for testimonials from past customers.
  • Ensure the company is licensed and insured.
  • Inquire about their experience and certifications.
  • Request quotes and compare prices to find a competitive yet quality service.

The cost of AC repair can vary widely depending on the nature of the problem and the extent of the repairs needed. Minor issues may cost less, while major repairs can be more expensive. Regular maintenance can help reduce the likelihood of costly repairs by addressing problems before they escalate.

While there are some maintenance tasks you can handle, such as changing air filters, many AC repairs require specialized knowledge and tools. Attempting complex repairs without proper training can lead to further damage and may void your unit’s warranty. It’s usually best to leave more significant repairs to professional technicians.

In Corpus Christi, Texas, understanding the basics of air conditioning repair can be immensely helpful in keeping your home cool and comfortable throughout the year. Regular maintenance, timely repairs, and professional service providers play essential roles in ensuring your AC system functions efficiently, especially in the face of the Texan heat. By addressing these frequently asked questions, you’ll be better equipped to maintain your air conditioning unit and enjoy the comfort it provides in this coastal Texan city.